4 ways to utilise B2B marketing in your mechanical services business.

B2B marketing is used to help other businesses become familiar with your brand, and the value your product or service can bring to their business. If any of these four points below resonate with you, chances are it’s time to get some help with your B2B marketing.

1. Social media is a non-negotiable

And yes, we hear you. There is a lot of resistance in the Mechanical Services industry to this. But hear us out.

You choose and control where you want to be and what you want to say (and we don’t recommend dancing on TikTok. Or even using TikTok at all). With 12.7 million active Australians on LinkedIn, 16 million active on Facebook, and 13.5 million on Instagram, odds are you are going to find a decent number of customers and can market to them in the most cost-efficient way - that you can also track.

A professional business page and personal profile keep your digital footprint in a great position to be recalled and found when customers need you. Posting 2-3 times a week will tip the algorithm in your favour in an industry that is currently under-utilising these platforms but still being highly viewed.

And no, we don’t have to name or show images of specific projects, places, equipment, or companies you work with if they are confidential. You control the communication.

Can’t commit to 2-3 posts a week? Get experts in to help, so that you can keep focusing on your business while the growth happens.

2. Your website is over 2 years old and you don’t know what it’s used for

Your website should be treated like the engine room of your business. Everything feeds into (and out of) it.

It’s design and purpose should streamline your marketing. When done well it not only saves you time (= $), it provides reporting and tracking on what your customers are looking at, how long they are looking at it, and how to reach them in a way that is native to them. As an added bonus, the more your site is used, the more Google will reward you and organically move you up the search engines. Maximising your greatest digital asset is cost-effective and a business practice most companies worldwide utilise.

Get yours in shape and get ahead of your competitors.

3. Relationship building doesn’t go beyond working with the same clients you’ve worked with forever…

Nothing lasts forever, and at some point, you are going to lose or have changes with forever clients. And this usually affects cash flow.

So what then? Salespeople rush out, desperate phone calls are made and price reductions are given to win work that could have flowed through a funnel that was ready for the peaks and troughs, without the stress and disturbance.

Even when your customer service is spot on and the price is right for everyone, building a relationship is often still vital. Especially if you want a long-standing customer. It might not feel like it yields immediate results, but keeping up conversations and creating meaningful touchpoints with your prospects is crucial to your B2B marketing and business growth. Connect with them on socials (professionally — no personal Facebook friend requests), engage with their content, check in with them via email, and organise to meet up for coffee.

The benefits: you will gain an in-depth insight into exactly what this business’s challenges are, and how you can support them and add value. You will also be top of mind and the first one they will call.

4. You’re not getting results

This one is the clincher for us.

If you aren’t getting the results you are after in the B2B space, you are probably in need of some help with your B2B marketing. This is where we come in, and we do understand your business. We have seen everything from Directors to Engineers to Estimators to Salespeople trying to manage their businesses’ marketing, and wondering why they don’t have time to do their jobs - whilst simultaneously asking why the marketing is not working. Keep your Directors / Engineers / Estimators / Salespeople in their area of expertise so that they can give you their best bang for your buck. And let qualified marketers do your marketing so that they can give you the best bang for your buck.

Spreading your team thin in areas they do not have experience in costs you both time and money. And we all understand the value of that.

The wrap-up

Our role in the B2B landscape is to make sure you are tackling your B2B marketing effectively and achieving your outcomes.

And we help you do it on budget and consistently.

We know that many businesses simply don’t have the time or expertise to do the marketing work that needs to be done. We see it regularly and know how to help. So get in touch today, we would love to work with you to show you what marketing can do for your business.


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